Monday, April 27, 2009

I Believe In Music, I Believe In Love

Music and love, two things I believe in and so does Jennifer Hudson. Tonight she sang those words alive in my soul. She sang those words moving me to tears and to join her in singing them.

My sister, also a singer like me, treated me to the fabulous soul stirring spectacle of Jennifer Hudson and Robin Thicke in concert. Mr. Robin "White Chocolate" Thicke was certainly entertaining and soulful. But Jennifer Hudson was a force to be reckoned with, showering her music and her love upon us her loving audience.

The tide of the emotion, the pure energy of the flow of feelings was palpable. I could hardly keep my eyes dry. This powerful young woman was basking in her healing and she was inviting us, no, more than that, she was drawing us in to the circle of that healing. We all came out the other side sanctified.

Music and love. Two names for that limitlessness which we call God.

Amen. Thank you, Miss Hudson.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. I, too, love Jennifer Hudson. What a voice. You gotta believe when she sings.

    Have a good one!
