Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Planetary Missions

In speaking with a very close friend of mine tonight we were discussing the work that I am doing right now and the light of synchronicity shined brightly.

I recently shared with my friend that I am producing a wonderfully transformative Internet reality show. Act 2: Reinvent follows women in their forties who are working to reinvent themselves. In fact, I will personally deal with some major life changing goals in the first season of the show.

As we conversed my friend asked me what I intended to achieve with the show's Dream Team of Coaches. In particular, we spoke about my desire to create a brand as an inspirational lecturer/performer. My friend is the Queen Bee of Inquiry and her question was what do you want to do with it? My answer: to inspire.

As it happens my friend has been involved in a transformational project of her own for the past year. As part of her process she was required to identify her purpose/mission on the planet. Once she did she had to appoint a Board of Directors to support her in that purpose.

My friend had chosen me as the Chairman of her Board of Directors because I have always supported her ideas not just as dreams but as viable realities. I have held her accountable for the deliverables of her ideas. In short, I have been an inspiration to her.

What an incredible feeling to know that my planetary purpose is being affirmed even when I am unaware of it. What a warm and virbrant feeling to knw the impact that my support has been to my friend.

Dream Team or Board of Directors? Either way, your planetary mission and mine must be honored and executed.

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